Spoon: Memory Dust EP (Matador) - review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Monday, February 17th, 2025  


Memory Dust EP


Jul 06, 2023 Web Exclusive

By now you know of Spoon’s reputation for near flawless indie rock with an honest, raw energy. Over the course of 27 years and 10 studio albums the band have explored new directions in songwriting while experimenting with effects and mixing subtle production schemes with their pop sensibilities to create a distinctive, yet unique, sound.

The three tracks on the new Memory Dust EP are cut from the same cloth and stray little from this prescription, showing off the band’s unmatched consistency for catchy and upbeat indie rock while also offering a fresh perspective.

Opener, and familiar sounding, “Sugar Babies” seems like a lost track from—or an extension of—the Grammy-nominated album, Lucifer on the Sofa, with uncluttered, sharp driving rhythms and buzzy guitar licks. The Bo Diddley-penned “She’s Fine, She’s Mine” is more of a back porch, swampy jam illustrating just how good Spoon are at creating moods. The highlight though is “Silver Girl,” with a jumpy bass line and smooth drums providing a slickly contrasting backdrop for crisply played guitar riffs and well-placed, nimble keyboards.

Short on time but not in substance, Memory Dust is a terrific, if not totally innovative, EP of crafty indie rock that is rich with upbeat melodies and clever arrangements that glows with Spoon’s charming magnetism. (www.spoontheband.com)

Author rating: 8/10

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