Maxïmo Park: Nature Always Wins (Prolifica) - review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Thursday, November 7th, 2024  

Maxïmo Park

Nature Always Wins


Mar 16, 2021 Web Exclusive

By this stage in their career, UK rock band Maxïmo Park could be forgiven for being fairly settled into their modus operandi. They have had a successful time of it on their various previous albums, developing a reputation as an intelligent act, both in terms of their musicality and lyricism. What comes as something of a shock—as Nature Always Wins sets sail with “Partly of My Making” and “Versions of You”—is the energy. Maxïmo Park have returned re-invigorated and full of enthusiasm. It may never have been lost, but it has been put to great use on this fine album.

Choruses soar, layers of instrumentation are alternately lush and, in a sense, almost threatening. From the ricocheting drums of “Baby, Sleep” to the crunching guitars of “Ardour” (with its simple yet potent lyric, “this ardour is arduous”—the kind of thing you remember after hearing it for the very first time), intelligence abounds throughout, but never loses the accessibility of the invitation we receive into the world of Maxïmo Park.

Compositionally this is a fine piece of work. The aforementioned “Ardour” features at least three sections which could arguably be called a chorus and each of them would be pleasing to a lesser band, but this is the beauty of this act and this album. Here is a band reaching full maturity and fulness of form. If you’ve never given Maxïmo Park a listen before, this is the time to start. (

Author rating: 7/10

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