Nils Frahm: Spaces (Erased Tapes) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Friday, January 17th, 2025  

Nils Frahm


Erased Tapes

Nov 19, 2013 Web Exclusive

Nils Frahm‘s approach to making music has developed in line with his attitude to the performance environment, and the German composer’s audience remains an integral part of his first live album. Spaces is, not surprisingly, something of a curveball; an unconventional “best of” field-recording illustrating the intense magnetism, humor, and personality of its creator better than any studio records could.

“Improvisation For Piano, Laughs, Coughs and a Cell Phone” lives out the mutually nourishing show dynamic that inspired the project in the first place by finding room for unexpected contributions from the audience. Applause and ambient tape hiss punctuate “Said and Done,” the calling card centerpiece of Frahm’s debut long-player The Bells. It finds new life in a definitive take, more affecting and visceral than ever before.

The variety of Frahm’s career is captured with selective care, but Spaces’ true achievement is transcending the summary nature of live records. It adds up to an intriguing and rewarding insight into one of today’s most impressive music-makers. (

Author rating: 8.5/10

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