Pantha Du Prince: The Triad (Rough Trade) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Sunday, January 19th, 2025  

Issue # 57 - M83

The Triad

Rough Trade

May 18, 2016 Pantha du Prince

Pantha Du Prince is unleashed once again on The Triad, the long awaited return of electro-virtuoso Hendrick Weber with a collection of entrancing, liberating compositions. Helped to fruition by Scott Mou and Bendik Kjeldberg of The Bell Laboratory (forming the triad), Weber’s elaborate dance designs are also uninhibited, inducing the sensation of being at the wheel of a speedboat with nothing but open sea before you.

The Triad is a commanding reminder of Weber’s unparalleled restraint in unveiling the full spectrum of his constructs. These tracks begin with patient alignment of what’s in play before the perfectly-timed introduction of galloping rhythms and melodious bass lines sweep in. The presence of percussive elements is felt more through their intricate assembly than through volume and heft while the delayed bell and chime cycles characteristic of past albums still communicates with beautiful fluency. Other voices, both human and computerized, chime in.

Pantha Du Prince once more invites you to close your eyes and lose yourself in the cyclone, setting a new bar for imaginative electronic composers of the day. Cats need to pay attention. (

Author rating: 8/10

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July 14th 2016

A “pötty”-ös tojást én is lementettem 16:39-kor. Nem voltam biztos benne, de reméltem, hogy a negyedik fióka tojása. Most, hogy ilyen szuper na­yagtásbÃn is láthatom, köszönöm!