Various Artists: Paper Heart Motion Picture Soundtrack (Lakeshore) | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Various Artists

Paper Heart Motion Picture Soundtrack


Oct 08, 2009 Web Exclusive

Regardless of your views on love, marriage—or Michael Cera’s status as an indie heartthrob—writing off the Paper Heart soundtrack in its entirety would be like pulling a football away from Charlie Brown as he goes to kick it—heartless, cold… and all too tempting.

Overall, the Paper Heart soundtrack, penned largely by its young stars Michael Cera and Charlyne Yi, gives us a lot to like. Chalk it up to stunt casting—or rather stunt composing—that actually works. Along with their collaborators, Alden Penner (The Unicorns) and—on “The 11th Arrondissement” Zach Condon (Beirut)—Cera and Yi create a fluffy, Jon Brion by way of Wes Anderson ambience. Which is to say, it’s charming on top of cute.

However, while the audacity of youth wins out on tightly constructed tracks such as “Children Are Ridiculous,” and “Lois & Sully,” it also quickly becomes clear that Cera may soon outstrip Yi’s elementary musicality (acting-wise is anyone’s guess). Away from its film context, the Yi-preformed “Sprinkling” never achieves anything more than harp-fuelled ambient irritation. And, on the soundtrack’s only song with vocals, “Magic Perfume,” she significantly dials down her likeability, paring grating Kimya Dawson-style vocals with lyrics that bring to mind Rivers Cuomo at his most obtuse. Ultimately, while its distinctive unevenness lends the Paper Heart soundtrack an inviting homespun quality, the love it represents is more puppy than everlasting. (

Author rating: 6/10

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