Fink: Perfect Darkness (Ninja Tune) | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Monday, October 14th, 2024  


Perfect Darkness

Ninja Tune

Aug 05, 2011 Fink

The Brighton, U.K.-based singer/songwriter Fink is the very definition of his very specific musical genre: Jack Johnson for clubbers. On his fifth full-length, Perfect Darkness, Fink’s soulful chords compete with the sinewy tones of his finger-picked acoustic guitar to see which can ring more hollow. In the process, the two start to sound exactly the same. This style was at its most impactful when Fink initially came out with it (and José González bit it). When there is more of a structure, such as on the escalating rhythms of “Who Says” or the beseeching tones of “Foot In the Door,” Perfect Darkness hits higher plateaus. Other than that, it is just a repetition of what came before. Although Perfect Darkness offers nothing new, for fans of Fink’s distinctive approach to extreme unplugged delivery, it hits the spot. (

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