Skills Like This | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Wednesday, October 9th, 2024  

Skills Like This

Studio: Shadow Distribution

Feb 01, 2009 Winter 2009 - Anticipated Albums of 2009 Bookmark and Share

Max Solomon (Spencer Berger) is such a poor writer that a performance of his play “The Onion Dance” hospitalizes his grandfather. Despondent and forced to accept the reality that a career in writing is improbable, Max robs a bank and consequently believes that he’s discovered his best skill. Max’s exploits—he becomes a klepto as much as a thief—have a profound influence on the lives of his two best friends, Dave (Gabriel Tigerman), the pragmatist, and Tommy (Brian D. Phelan), the domineering louse.
Despite a spectacular afro, Berger, who also wrote the screenplay, doesn’t bring a lot to his role comedically. Phelan, who’s hit and miss, is relied on too heavily to deliver laughs. There are some inspired scenes—particularly a flashback involving a substitute teacher named Mr. Nam—but often they lack rhythm or are hindered by flat dialogue. The film is distinguished, however, by some distinctively appealing Denver interiors and exteriors, captured adroitly by veteran television director of photography Robert F. Smith. Skills Like This, the feature debut by director Monty Miranda, won the Audience Award at the 2007 SXSW Film Festival and includes music by unsigned Denver bands on its soundtrack.


Author rating: 4/10

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Frank L.
April 27th 2009

This movie so rocks.  I loved it.

May 1st 2012

I didnt know they had a new art teacher, is Musset gone?? fnillay caught for something inappropriate..he was nice, but still a bit of a freak. anywaz. For some reason when you listed the description an image of RYAN MALCOM from Canadian Idol popped into my head and I, sorry Jess I guess I dont have much faith in your “picks”