Suuns: Hold/Still (Secretly Canadian) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Friday, February 14th, 2025  



Secretly Canadian

Apr 21, 2016 Web Exclusive

As Hold/Still‘s penultimate track shakes off its bewildering, oddball electronics and settles into a sinister rhythmic strut, all vocalist Ben Shemie can do is croon the track’s title: “Nobody can save me now.” He doesn’t seem to mind. It could all fall apart so easily, but this is a record that feels most at home when nothing is certain. Shemie sounds content. His band is in their finest form yet.

Suuns have always been a band of stark contradictions. Their murky brand of electronic psychedelia formatively left just enough space for flickers of light. The Montréal collective’s demeanour is richer in bleakness than ever before, submitting helplessly to brooding guitar stabs that twist without warning and Shemie’s most attention-demanding vocal deliveries yet. Despite its few too many twisted Thom Yorkisms, Hold/Still is a convincing attempt at making the impossibly bleak impossibly toe-tapping. (

Author rating: 6.5/10

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