The Band Name Book | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Thursday, February 6th, 2025  

Noel Hudson

The Band Name Book

Published by The Boston Mills Press

Nov 01, 2008 Year End 2008 - Best of 2008

Noel Hudson’s The Band Name Book is a playful encyclopedia of the etymology of thousands of band names from all over the world, from the popular to the obscure. His easy-to-navigate structure cleverly organizes his book with a three-tier system that will take readers on an informative and often funny journey from say, Love and Lust to Untainted Love to Loverboy. Hudson suggests names still available in each category—it’s a pity that they are largely too silly to be useful.

This a good-looking book, with heavy paper and a hefty feel, and beautiful, vibrant colors. Hudson includes plenty of concert posters and band photos, but it’s jarring and obvious when he couldn’t obtain permission to use those images—a royalty-free photo of a horse illustrates the Band of Horses entry. What could be construed as tongue-in-cheek (red alarm clock for Strawberry Alarm Clock anyone?) ends up looking cheap.

Be forewarned—if you dislike puns, this book will make you stabby. Feel free to use the index. (

Author rating: 5/10

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