Cinema Review: The Ones Below | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Sunday, January 19th, 2025  

The Ones Below

Studio: Magnet Releasing
Directed by David Farr

May 26, 2016 Web Exclusive

There isn’t much to fear and even less to like in David Farr’s psychological thriller, The Ones Below, unless decent Liam Neeson impersonations are reason enough to draw someone to the theater these days. The set up is simple enough: the domestic bliss of expectant parents Kate (Clémence Poésy) and Justin (Stephen Campbell Moore) is shattered upon the arrival of their creepy new neighbors, Theresa (Laura Birn) and Jon (Liam Neeson David Morrissey), a May-December couple anticipating a child of their own. Events quickly turn grim and the plot begins to descend into time wasting red herrings and unbelievable scenarios.

Kate and Theresa’s fast friendship comes to an even faster halt at an ill-fated dinner party where Theresa suffers a terrible trauma. Considering a missing light bulb and a telltale cat are the main culprits showcases the lack of imagination in the writing. This scene is also the catalyst for the animosity and suspicion between the two couples. A thriller needs thrills, of course, but they should be earned with clever, or at least engaging, reasons.

In fact, the entire narrative happens a little too easily in The Ones Below. The turns are telegraphed, Justin is as oblivious as the plot needs him to be and the mandatory “surprise” at the end is as laughable as Theresa and Jon’s ridiculous, nefarious plan. Worst of all, the horror trope of characters staying in a place where they know death awaits is at full force here. Poor Kate had no choice in the matter but thankfully the rest of us can get—and stay—away.

Author rating: 3.5/10

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