The Polyphonic Spree: Yes, It's True (Good/Kirtland) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Friday, February 14th, 2025  

The Polyphonic Spree

Yes, It’s True


Aug 07, 2013 Web Exclusive

Returning in exuberant form with their first original material for almost six years, Yes, It’s True sees Tim Delaughter’s expansive Dallas pop collective attempt to take in a broader sonic scope. A tendency to lean more heavily than before on grand theatricalitypossibly a hangover from their recent reworking of The Rocky Horror Picture Showonly accentuates the boundless optimism of their uplifting sun-dappled pop. When it works well, as it does on “Carefully Try” or “Your Golden,” they create musical vignettes that tread the line between bittersweet and upbeat. When it falters, it sees them dip into an irritating self-parody, one which undermines their soaring harmonies by mining well-trodden ground; rampant horns and hand claps are a weary accompaniment to Delaughter’s strained aphorisms on tracks such as “What Would You Do?” Like the original cast recording of a musical yet to be stagedand undoubtedly they must be quite the experience live-Yes, It’s True has interesting moments, but ultimately makes for an insubstantial and at times deeply vapid experience. (

Author rating: 5.5/10

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