Torchwood: Miracle Day (Episode Ten: “The Blood Line”) | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Torchwood: Miracle Day (Episode Ten: “The Blood Line”)

Starz, Fridays, 10/9 Central

Sep 09, 2011 Torchwood

And this is how the season ends. Not with a whimper, but a bang. A few bangs, actually. And some blood as well. There’s a lot of ‘splaining left to do—and yes, the pieces fit together amidst special effects cranked up to a blinding 11.

But for all the splashy sci-fi Torchwood has offered to us over the years, we’re all in it for the relationships. And here, while pouting in ol’ Shanghai, Gwen (Eve Myles) offers us some of her finest moments; questioning herself, her mission, and the suddenly mortal man she’s thrown her loyalty behind for the last few years.

Due to a neat bit of synchronization, Ester and Rex find themselves on the other side of the planet, doing almost the same thing at the same time. It all comes together quite nicely (along with the promise of a future for the show) into a tense, well-earned moment, but one can’t help that the action was essentially a 10-episode McGuffin—aimed at getting us to love the new characters with the same devotion as Jack and Gwen. Well, they got halfway there. (

Author rating: 7/10

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September 15th 2011

This season was so disappointing that part of me wishes that the show would die a merciful death.

But if it doesn’t, here are my 5 wishes for any future series: