Undeleted Scenes (Top Shelf) | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Thursday, October 3rd, 2024  

Undeleted Scenes

Top Shelf

(Written and drawn by Jeffrey Brown)

May 19, 2010 Web Exclusive Bookmark and Share

While most of Jeffrey Brown’s books are more focused, dealing mostly with one relationship (Clumsy) or general subject matter (Incredible Change-bots!), Undeleted Scenes represents a pretty good cross-section that thankfully highlights plenty of humor along with relationship woes (which, as much as I enjoy Brown’s work, can get a little too navel-gazing and tiresome).

This more “grab-bag” approach wasn’t necessarily by design; Undeleted Scenes comprises reprints from other collections, anthology work, and previously unpublished works; a decade’s worth in one volume. It’s 352 pages for 15 bucks.

This is a great entryway into the works of Brownit contains poignancy, silliness, and some good cartooning. While I won’t claim it knocked my socks off, as some sections were better than others, it’s a wholly enjoyable tome. Alt-comics fans and comics strip fans should find it in their wheelhouse; this is the kind of book I could probably give to the very same sister or friends that openly turn their noses at books based on capes, fisticuffs, or vampires. Beware of cartoon boobs; mature readers only. (www.topshelfcomix.com)

Author rating: 7/10

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