Upset: She's Gone (Don Giovanni) - album review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Issue #48 - November/December 2013 - HAIMUpset

She’s Gone

Don Giovanni

Dec 19, 2013 Upset Bookmark and Share

All too often, supergroups don’t quite work: what seems like a dream ticket turns into the fractious sound of several egos pulling in different directions. With Upset, former Vivian Girls and Best Coast drummer Ali Koehler picks up her guitar and enlists the help of Hole’s Patty Schemeland the result is exactly what you’d hope for. She’s Gone is 12 tracks of raucous, poppy punk rock, the sunny naïveté of Ali Koehler’s former projects given a shot of Hole attitude. There’s not a whole lot of variety, but what they do, they do well. (

Author rating: 6/10

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