Vikings (Season Three) (History, Thursdays 10/9 Central) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Vikings (Season Three)

History, Thursdays 10/9 Central

Feb 19, 2015 Web Exclusive

Season Three of History Channel’s consistently and ferociously entertaining hit series, Vikings, finds Ragnar Lothbrok (Travis Fimmel) and his band of raiders back in Wessex, England, where they enter into an untested alliance with King Ecbert (Linus Roache) and Princess Kwenthrith (Amy Bailey). In exchange for supporting his war against the King of Mercia, Ecbert promises Ragnar and Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick) farmland and guaranteed protection. But is it really wise of Ragnar to draw his army so far away from his home in Kattegat? Little does he know, the town’s blind but all-seeing prophet has had an ominous vision of blood and death, which is soon punctuated by the appearance of a mysterious wanderer. Ragnar’s ego and quest for greatness might finally bring about hisand Kattegat’sdownfall.

From the very first day it aired, Vikings has proven something special. The show never suffers even a single dull moment. Battle after battle provide exhilarating, heart-pounding action, which alone might be enough for a thrilling hour of weeknight television. But creator Michael Hirst and the producers at History aren’t content to let the series rest on the strength of its swordfights alone. Rather, they deliver compelling, complex characters whose machinations, egos, and insecurities make for deeply engrossing television. All this, mind you, in a setting that rarely receives film attention, let alone scripted television treatment.

Even in the face of adrenaline-infused action, Vikings often shines most brightly in its subtler, dare we even say educational, details. The world of the Norsemen and women feels so thoroughly researched (Lothbrok is an actual legendary Norse hero), and now with the heavy focus on England of over a thousand years ago, as well as hints of French characters and adventures to come, History is making good on its name. Hirst transports us to a fascinating and brutal world, combining fact with fast-paced fiction into a show, the likes of which come around all too infrequently. As Ragnar does, so too does Season Three of Vikings expand its worldview beyond the inlet at Kattegat and into Medieval Europe, promising battles, glory, and adventures not to be missed. (

Author rating: 8.5/10

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March 7th 2015

Yes, this show combines a lot of artistry with a commanding degree of factual and historical credibility to make it very compelling!!..
For anyone who is part N. European or Scandinavian, has traveled there, and/or loves ancient Folklore and legend, this story will be especially fascinating and evocative!!...
Amazing culture. Amazing Series. Thanks, History Channel!!~