Whitney: Light Upon the Lake (Secretly Canadian) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Sunday, January 12th, 2025  

Issue # 57 - M83

Light Upon the Lake

Secretly Canadian

Jun 07, 2016 Issue # 57 - M83

“I’ve been going through a change/I might never be sure/I’m just walking in a haze,” contemplates Julien Ehrlich as Light Upon the Lake clocks its tone-setting, ornate first minute. Whilst it’s true that the meandering, sun-tinged take on sexist bullshit-less country that Whitney offer up on their debut is a far cry from the glam indie ramshackle of he and Max Kakacek’s formative band, Smith Westerns, Whitney shouldn’t worry about being too sure of themselves.

This is a debut record that focuses less on establishing identity and more on crafting its own picturesque little world. Light Upon the Lake hasn’t a care in that world; it innocently rolls around some of the loveliest, sunniest country songs you’re likely to hear all year (www.facebook.com/whitneychicago/)

Author rating: 7/10

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