Wild Nothing: Indigo (Captured Tracks) Review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Wild Nothing


Captured Tracks

Aug 29, 2018 Web Exclusive

For Wild Nothing‘s Jack Tatum, maintaining a balance between high fidelity production and an organic soundone reminiscent of his early recordingsis a constant battle. His first full-length, Gemini (2010), was recorded in his home in Virginia but sounds remarkably polished, ostensibly tailored to perfection. On his new album, Indigo, the development of such a hi-fi/lo-fi balance has reached new levels. Tatum manages to punctuate his dreamy discography with an evolved lens, a direct by-product of his decade-long experience recording under the Wild Nothing moniker.

As one song title (“Oscillation”) suggests, the 11 tracks on Tatum’s fourth LP teeter on the verge of dreamscape pop (much like his Real Estate contemporaries), ‘80s-era high school dance soundtracks, and something deeper altogether. The music hints at the work of Bryan Ferry and Kate Bushboth major influences on Tatumbut also contains an innate connection with Tatum’s musicianship and creative confidence. “It just boils down to me wanting to fit into some larger narrative, musically, in terms of these artists I love,” explains Tatum in a press statement.

The bulk of Indigo builds on previous Wild Nothing works, yet there’s a slight bite featured on most tracks that seemed nonexistent before. The buzzing guitar on “Canyon on Fire” reflects a newfound adventure, while the thick rhythm section on “Bend” plays like a different Wild Nothing entirely. Tracks like “Oscillation” and “Through Windows” capture a weightlessness that must only come with true artistic freedom. The lyric “Oscillation, pulling me close, pushing me back” signals a surrendering of self-control, and Tatum appears boundless in his explorations of textural and meta-textural elements.

Balancing technology and “the human touch” isn’t easy, but embracing this balance takes a certain gumption that Wild Nothing’s Jack Tatum has only grown into over his releases. Poised to continue such explorations, be rest assured that Wild Nothing’s sound will only continue to evolve as the artist behind the controls does too. (www.wildnothingmusic.com)

Author rating: 8/10

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August 29th 2018

Love the album cover. Very eye catchy :)

Dale Shift
August 30th 2018

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