Music vs. Comedy Guest Blog: Future Islands’ Samuel Herring on the Standup Records of His Youth | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Music vs. Comedy Guest Blog: Future Islands’ Samuel Herring on the Standup Records of His Youth

Jun 06, 2011 By Samuel Herring Future Islands
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(Under the Radar’s Spring 2011 Issue is a special Music vs. Comedy that features musicians and comedians in conversation with each other and generally examines the intersection between indie music and comedy. We’re also posting web-exclusive essays that were not printed in the issue, including this one by Future Islands’ Samuel Herring.)

I was introduced to standup comedy when I was about seven or eight. I found a stack of Bill Cosby records at my grandmother’s house, and begged her to let me take them home with me, which she was happy to oblige. Revenge, Why is There Air?, I Started Out as a Child, etc. These would become my first and favorite records, and the early beginnings of my minor delinquencies.

As a kid, I always thought my dad was like a cross between Bill Cosby and Bill Murray. The way he talked, the way he danced, the faces he made. When I discovered these treasures I started to play hooky from school, faking a bellyache or a bad headache and complaining until my parents would leave for work. When they’d leave, I’d go into the living room and put on record after record, eating orange sherbet (for my stomach ache) and laughing. For me, I did find traces of my father. It was the storytelling that caught me, how to tell a good story, how to control an audience, how to make people laugh. I loved all those things, they always made me feel good, and they still make me laugh (I still have those records.).

Nowadays, while I still go back to the classics, comedians like Louis C. K. and Patton Oswalt are the guys I turn to. The humor is different, the language is different, but they still manage to tell the stories that make people laugh. They tell those stories that make people think, that make people look to their own lives, find their own faults and the humor in them. To me, that’s what great standup is all about.

(Future Islands’ latest, and second, full-length album, In Evening Air, was released by Thrill Jockey in 2010.)


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john gable
June 7th 2011

What an unbelievable badass?

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July 24th 2011

Excellent article. Too it is not indifferent to classics in the name of Louis C. K’s comedians and Patton Oswalt. They make laugh me on протяжениии all my life. Thanks them that they are.

August 2nd 2011

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August 7th 2011

Future Islands members Samuel Herring (vocals) and William Cashion (bass) are both in a great, almost-giddy mood when the Georgia Straight tracks them down in New York. On his cellphone, Cashion reveals that the group’s latest tour was a smashing success, and not just because Europeans obviously get what the Baltimore-based, progressive-postpop trio (which also includes keyboardist Gerrit Welmers) is shooting for artistically.

August 12th 2011

The picture with the heart torn out is striking! Greetings from Finland.

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August 22nd 2011

It will be good if you present a summary of the key points along with a limited number of examples.

October 11th 2011

Bill Cosby’s “Revenge” was one of my all time childhood favorites…still have the records too!

November 27th 2011

This is an old post but I love future islands man! Rather unknown but they got a few really inspirational songs :)

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March 9th 2012

Bill Cosby was an utter legend despite his onstage persona.

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April 4th 2012

the emmy will go to betty white for being the most popular person on the planet right now even though each other nominee deserves it more than her. my personal pick would be christine baranski even though i absolutely love Elaine stitch as jack’s mum on 30 rock.

July 14th 2016

ps ta cheeda la historia pero no eres el mas original y siempre he dicho que los hombres son iguales aunque tu eres muy romantico pero tmbn entiende a tu morra por que la tomaste menos imprtoante que tus estudios y no te iva a esperar toda su vida y se vio en la nececidad de casacrec para recuperar el amor perdido y rellenar el hueco de su corazonasi que no te guites sique adelante por que si miras el pasado te partiras el alma y tu exnovia no es oel ombligo del mundo busca a alguien que te quiera igual o mas que tu otra novia pasada