“Joker” - Watch Joaquin Phoenix as the Infamous Batman Villain in the Film’s First Trailer | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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“Joker” - Watch Joaquin Phoenix as the Infamous Batman Villain in the Film’s First Trailer

Joker Due Out October 4 via Warner Bros.

Apr 04, 2019 Joaquin Phoenix

The first trailer for Joker has been shared. The film stars Joaquin Phoenix as the infamous Batman villain in a standalone dark origin film inspired by Martin Scorsese’s 1970s and 1980s classics Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy. Scorsese was originally an executive producer on the film, but then had other commitments, and the star of those films, Robert DeNiro, is in Joker, which was directed by Todd Philips (The Hangover trilogy). Watch the trailer below.

The film isn’t connected to the other DC films, is set in 1981, and doesn’t feature Batman, although his father, Thomas Wayne, is a character (played by Brett Cullen). The film also features Marc Maron, Zazie Beetz, Frances Conroy, and Shea Whigham. It is due out October 4 via Warner Bros.

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April 4th 2019

No matter how many new players come into the game. It’s always the “Heath Ledger”... The legend unforgotten. May his soul Rest In Peace.