“Joker” – Watch Joaquin Phoenix as the Batman Villain in the Film’s Final Trailer | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Saturday, February 15th, 2025  

“Joker” – Watch Joaquin Phoenix as the Batman Villain in the Film’s Final Trailer

“All I have are negative thoughts.”

Aug 28, 2019 Joaquin Phoenix

The new (and final) trailer for Joker has been shared. The film stars Joaquin Phoenix as the infamous Batman villain in a standalone dark origin film inspired by Martin Scorsese’s 1970s and 1980s classics Taxi Driver and The King of Comedy. The star of those films, Robert DeNiro, is even in Joker. Watch the trailer below. Joker is due out October 4 via Warner Bros.

When Joker was first announced there was some skepticism about a standalone movie on a Batman villain set in 1981, not featuring The Dark Knight, not connected to the other DC Comics film, and directed by someone known for comedy, Todd Philips (The Hangover trilogy). But then the first trailer showed serious promise and the fact that Joker is premiering at the prestigious Venice Film Festival this week gives some hope that Warner Bros. has faith in the movie as a potential critical darling and awards contender.

Scorsese was originally an executive producer on the film, but then had other commitments. The film also features Brett Cullen (as Thomas Wayne, Bruce Wayne’s father), Marc Maron, Zazie Beetz, Frances Conroy, and Shea Whigham.

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August 29th 2019

WOW! this sounds amazing I am very excited about this movie This one is a piece of very amazing news because the acting of the joker is marvelous. Excited to see him in the movie.

August 30th 2020

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