Listen to a Stripped Back Version of David Bowie’s “Sound and Vision” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Listen to a Stripped Back Version of David Bowie’s “Sound and Vision”

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Oct 09, 2013 David Bowie

With a career full of highlights, David Bowie‘s “Sound and Vision,” taken off his 1977 album Low, certainly stands out among the best. This week Bowie has offered up a bit of a surprise treat, releasing a new minimalist reworking of the single. Stripping away much of the original instrumentation to just leave Roy Young’s piano work, Mary Hopkin’s backing vocal and Bowie’s lead vocal, the track was reworked from the original tapes by remixer Sonjay Prabhakar and is commissioned for an upcoming Sony smartphone advertisement. Click below to watch a new lyric video for the song.



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