Mac DeMarco Auctioning Off Used Sneakers For Charity | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Mac DeMarco Auctioning Off Used Sneakers For Charity

Proceeds Benefit Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls

Dec 30, 2014 Mac DeMarco

Finishing out an excellent year after releasing his critically acclaimed album Salad Days, Mac DeMarco is auctioning off a pair of his own heavily used Vans sneakers for charity. With the bidding already above $10,000, proceeds from the sale will go on to benefit the Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls. DeMarco writes in the item description, “I’m selling an old pair of my shoes. I’ve John Hancocked the left shoe. Will anyone buy an old stinky pair of shoes? I don’t know. lets wait and see. I’ll probably throw some other crap in the box before shipping it, I dunno what. If you’re one of those kids who tried to take them off my feet while I was crowd surfing at some point this year, nice try jackass. But hey, here’s another opportunity for you to have them.”

The auction will officially end this Sunday. In case you’re worried about the smell, DeMarco’s girlfriend Kira gave them a postive review.



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Andrew Stolper
December 31st 2014

Sometimes we also need to be doing things that would also be one thing that would be great for us.