My Brightest Diamond and Clare and the Reasons’ Multimedia Collaboration | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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My Brightest Diamond and Clare and the Reasons’ Multimedia Collaboration

Letters to Distant Cities Out March 29, 2011

Feb 25, 2011 My Brightest Diamond

Clare and the Reasons and My Brightest Diamond—both known for their orchestral pop—are joining forces on new project, Letters to Distant Cities. Out March 29 via New Amsterdam Records, the project features a new song from both bands, and readings of Turkish poetry by Mustafa Ziyalan. The album contains a series of 24 collectable cards, (see above for an example) shot by Murat Eyuboglu.


1. The Sea

2. Sugar Cube in Rain

3. The Most Unknown Fruit

4. The Starfish The Sleeper

5. Gone

6. Letters to Distant Cities

7. Midsummer’s Winter

8. Interlude Dimming Eyes

9. The Red Balloon

10. Close Your Eyes

11. The Cloud-Likeness

12. Interlude Ripples

13. Ghostly Flowers

14. Truant Colts

15. In the City’s Caverns

16. Bliss

17. Her Poems

18. In the Land of Sleep

19. Invisible




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