New Editors Album to Come Stateside in January | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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New Editors Album to Come Stateside in January

Official Site Allows All Visitors to Experience the New Album in London

Oct 23, 2009 Editors

U.K.‘s The Editors have announced that the stateside release of their new album In This Light and On This Evening is set for January 19, 2010 on Fader. The U.S. release will feature exclusive bonus material as well. The album is already enjoying a lofty view from the top of the U.K. charts, including its debut at #1, and is currently available in pre-release form on iTunes and other digital retailers.

As a fun addendum to the album’s release, the Editors’ official website offers visitors a “hack” of Google Street View. This project was the product of a collaboration between The Editors, their music label and Sony Music’s internal creative agency, using a custom flash wrapper programmed by Davex. The hack marks off several locations around London, which feature panoramic views shot by photographer James Royall, and each location features a track from the new album.



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