Rose Elinor Dougall Discusses Her Forthcoming Solo Debut Album | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Rose Elinor Dougall Discusses Her Forthcoming Solo Debut Album

The former Pipette on Without Why

Mar 22, 2010 Rose Elinor Dougall Photography by Derrick Santini Bookmark and Share

The Most Anticipated Albums of 2010 section in Under the Radar‘s Winter 2010 Issue includes a short article on Rose Elinor Dougall’s debut album. We’ve now posted the full Q&A of that interview.

In December of 2008, less than a year after leaving the female-fronted Brighton pop group The Pipettes, Rose Elinor Dougall released her first single as a solo artist, “Another Version of Pop Song.” The following February, Dougall blogged on her MySpace page that her debut album was nearly finished. Things seemed to be moving fast for the now London-based singer/songwriter. Two subsequent singles“Start/Stop/Synchro” and “Fallen Over”were released in 2009, and her fourth single, “Find Me Out,” is due on May 3 in the U.K. But, more than a year after that February 2009 MySpace post, Dougall’s debut album Without Why has yet to be released. On the morning of the eve of 2010, Dougall was in good spirits, frequently breaking into giggles, as she discussed her impending album with Under the Radar and divulged the logical reasons for her record’s extended incubation. Click here to read the interview.


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