Shirley Collins Shares New Song “Sweet Greens and Blues” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Saturday, February 15th, 2025  

Shirley Collins Shares New Song “Sweet Greens and Blues”

Heart's Ease Due Out July 24 via Domino

Jul 02, 2020 Shirely Collins Photography by Enda Bowe

Until 2016’s Lodestar, famed folk singer Shirely Collins hadn’t released any music since the ’70s. But instead of waiting another decade, Collins is back with her new album Heart’s Ease, coming out July 24 via Domino. Back in May she shared the track “Wondrous Love.” And this morning, she released yet another treat: second single “Sweet Greens and Blues.” Listen to the track below.

The charming song was actually written by Shirley’s first husband Austin John Marshall, who was also a producer on several of her albums. Back in 1964, Marshall introduced Collins to guitarist Davy Graham, who plays on the album Folk Roots. The song, featuring Graham, was just recently found by Collins. “ came across a tape among the hundreds I have got—and there was me singing it in the Sixties, with Davy Graham playing guitar,” Collins says in a press release. Although the track has been remastered, with additional guitar by Nathan Salsburg, you can still pre-order the exclusive vinyl edition of Heart’s Ease that includes a 7-inch of the original 1964 recording of “Sweet Greens and Blues.”

Underneath gentle strings Collins sings “If we don’t make it this year/See what next year can bring/Seasons go turning from winter to spring/Can you tell me what they’re saying about sweet greens and blues.” According to Collins, the song was released to catalogue the ex-couples life for their children.

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