The Pipettes Return with New Album Due Out This Summer | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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The Pipettes Return with New Album Due Out This Summer

Watch the Video for New Single

Feb 16, 2010 The Pipettes

U.K. band/girl-group The Pipettes pipe up and return from a hiatus with new line up of sole remaining original singer Gwenno Saunders, now joined by her sister Ani Saunders, along with their male backing band of Monsterbobby, Seb, Alex and Jon. In 2008 original members RiotBecki (Rebecca Stephens) and Rosay (Rose Elinor Dougall) left the group after touring was completed for the band’s 2006 debut, We Are the Pipettes.

The Pipettes’ brand new album, Earth vs. Pipettes, is due out in the U.K. in the late summer. The single “Stop the Music” is to be released on Fortuna POP! Records in the U.K. on April 19.

The band has just released a video for “Our Love Was Saved By Spaceman.” Check it out below. Visit The Pipettes’ website to download the song for free (just give them your email address).

Meanwhile Rose Elinor Dougall is prepping her solo debut, Without Why check out her MySpace page for songs and Rebecca Stephens also has a new project in the works.


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February 26th 2010

Gwenno isn’t an original member, she joined after Julia left in 2005. There are no original members left.

May 21st 2010

What happened to beth mbru-bowie????? I thought she was amazing and don’t get me started on her voice