Tim Kinsella and Jenny Pulse Share Video for New Song “Whinny” (Plus Two Demo Versions of the Song) | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Thursday, October 3rd, 2024  

Tim Kinsella and Jenny Pulse Share Video for New Song “Whinny” (Plus Two Demo Versions of the Song)

Giddy Skelter Due Out September 8 via Kill Rock Stars

Jul 13, 2023 Photography by Marzena Abrahamik
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Tim Kinsella (of Joan of Arc) and Jenny Pulse have shared a new song “Whinny,” via a music video, as well as two demo versions of the song, released as a three-song digital EP. “Whinny” is also the latest single to be shared from their upcoming album Giddy Skelter, which is due out September 8 via Kill Rock Stars. Check out the song and demos below.

Of “Whinny,” Kinsella says in a press release: “The weird garbled noises that occasionally pop through in the final version of the song are not ornamentation, but actually the foundation from which everything else sprang.”

Pulse adds: “Tim wrote deceptively complex lyrics full of craving. Lyrics that you could imagine being broadcasted on the radio, but your ear catches a surprising word, and then another, and then another. It was so fun to write melodies to the words and edit them to widen this contrast of seemingly normal versus absurd surprise.”

The husband and wife duo had more to say about the song and their creative process in an article on Talkhouse.

“Whinny” follows the release of their two other songs “Unblock Obstacles,” which was featured on our Songs of the Week, and “Sun Inspector.’

Read our 2018 interview with Kinsella and his Joan of Arc band member Melina Ausikaitis.

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