Titus Andronicus Share New Holiday Single “Drummer Boy” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Saturday, November 9th, 2024  

Titus Andronicus Share New Holiday Single “Drummer Boy”

The Song is a Spin on Billy Joel’s “Piano Man”

Nov 16, 2022 Photography by Howard Bilerman

Titus Andronicus have shared a new holiday single, “Drummer Boy,” a spin on Billy Joel’s “Piano Man.” Listen below.

Vocalist Patrick Stickles states in a press release: “I first connected the dots between the great Billy Joel song and the beloved Christmas standard several years ago, but it got tossed onto the pile with so many of my other crazy ideas. Things being how they are, though, I may not have the luxury of time to execute all those crazy ideas, so when we had two days off in Montreal on our recent tour, we figured we’d grab the reindeer by the antlers and cross this one off the list, so as to avoid the pain of eternal regret. Also, I’ve noticed a lot of discourse recently about what constitutes a legitimate ‘parody’ lately, and I’d like to get a piece of that action.”

The band’s newest album, The Will to Live, came out earlier this year via Merge.

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