Watch Andrew Bird and Iron & Wine Perform in Yosemite National Park | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Sunday, October 13th, 2024  

Watch Andrew Bird and Iron & Wine Perform in Yosemite National Park

Performance Marks the Launch of Lucky Brand’s “Play For the Parks” Series

Oct 07, 2021

Clothing company Lucky Brand has shared a video of Andrew Bird and Iron & Wine (Sam Beam) performing in Yosemite National Park. Bird performed his yet-to-be-released track “Fixed Positions,” as well as “Manifest” from his 2019 album My Finest Work Yet. The performance marks the launch of Lucky Brand’s “Play For the Parks,” a digital content series dedicated to highlighting and preserving wilderness (more info can be found here). Watch the performance below.

Bird states in a press release: “As a performer, reacting to my environment has been a constant driver. From my Echolocations series to Gezelligheid concerts to Play for the Parks, the idea is simple: be flexible and wait for your environment to tell you what it wants to hear. With Sam Beam and Yosemite as collaborators, this was an ideal environment.”

Beam adds: “No photograph can prepare a person for the scale and beauty of Yosemite, it was my first visit and I was completely overwhelmed! What a blessing to be able to spend it making music with Andrew Bird—and ankle deep in water to boot!”

Earlier this year, Bird released an album with Jimbo Mathus, These 13, via Thirty Tigers. Iron & Wine’s last album was 2017’s Beast Epic.

Read our 2017 interview with Iron & Wine on Beast Epic.

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