Watch Mac DeMarco Cover Prince’s “It’s Gonna Be Lonely” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Watch Mac DeMarco Cover Prince’s “It’s Gonna Be Lonely”

R.I.P. Prince

May 04, 2016 Mac DeMarco

Prince passed away at his home on April 21 and the Prince tributes and covers have been fittingly constant ever since. Now Mac DeMarco has covered “It’s Gonna Be Lonely,” from Prince’s self-titled 1979 album. Pitchfork has posted a video of DeMarco performing the song with bandmate Jon Lent on the shore of Far Rockaway Beach, where DeMarco lives. Jim Larson shot the video. Watch it below, followed by two Prince-related Instagram posts from DeMarco. (Also read our recent Best of 2015 Issue article on DeMarco.)

Watch this on The Scene.

Having a good #bday. Thank you for all the #wassup’s. #rip #purp

A photo posted by @macdemarco on Apr 30, 2016 at 6:28pm PDT


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