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Saturday, June 1st, 2024  

Antony and the Johnsons

“Another World” (Live on Craig Ferguson) Video

Apr 30, 2009

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When talk show host/comedian Craig Ferguson introduced the group he quipped that he he was “quite scared” of the cover of Antony and the Johnsons’ latest album, The Crying Light. The small ensemble’s rendition of lead single “Another World’ was no joke though. A glacial string trio is barely there; a stark contrast to the strange aural twists Antony took with Matthew Herbert at this year’s Coachella. Ferguson may be scared of the butoh dancer Kazuo Ohno but we’ll welcome these sounds anytime. There was a feature on Antony and the Johnsons in Under the Radar’s Winter 2009 issue.

Wye Oak

“Take It In” MP3

Apr 29, 2009

“Take It In” is taken from Wye Oak’s forthcoming new album, The Knot, to be released by Merge Records.


“1901” MP3

Apr 29, 2009

“1901” is taken from Phoenix’s forthcoming new album, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix. There’s an interview with the French band in the current Spring 2009 issue of Under the Radar.

Pink Mountaintops

“Vampire” MP3

Apr 29, 2009

“Vampire” is taken from Pink Mountaintops forthcoming new album, Outside Love, which is being released by Jagjaguwar. There’s an interview with Pink Mountaintops in Under the Radar‘s current Spring 2009 issue.

Jarvis Cocker

“Angela” MP3

Apr 23, 2009

“Angela” is the first single to be taken from Jarvis Cocker’s forthcoming second solo album, Further Complications, which Rough Trade will be releasing in June.

Sparrow and the Workshop

“Devil Song” video

Apr 23, 2009

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Sparrow and the Workshop are a Glasgow, Scotland-based folk-rock trio who have recently toured with British Sea Power. “Devil Song” is their debut single and it’s due out in the U.K. on May 11th.

Sonic Youth

“Sacred Trixter” MP3

Apr 23, 2009

“Sacred Trixter” is taken from Sonic Youth’s forthcoming new album, The Eternal, which is due out on Matador Records in June.


“Future Primitive” video

Apr 23, 2009

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“Future Primitive” is taken from Papercuts’ new album, You Can Have What You Want, which is being released by Gnomonsong. There’s an article on Papercuts in Under the Radar‘s current Spring 2009 issue.