Daneshevskaya Shares Video for New Song “Challenger Deep” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Daneshevskaya Shares Video for New Song “Challenger Deep”

Long is the Tunnel Due Out November 10 via Winspear

Sep 27, 2023 Photography by Marcus Maddox

Brooklyn-based singer/songwriter Daneshevskaya (full name Anna Daneshevskaya Beckerman) is releasing a new album, Long is the Tunnel, on November 10 via Winspear. Now she has shared another song from it, “Challenger Deep,” via a music video. Madeline Leshner directed the video. Watch it below.

Beckerman works as a preschool teacher and says “Challenger Deep” is inspired by an experince in the classroom. “There’s a story I read to the kids that I work with about how, when you say goodbye to someone, there’s an invisible string that connects you,” she says. “My version of that is seeing someone at the end. Even if it is pretend, it’s a nice idea.”

Previously Daneshevskaya shared the album’s “Big Bird.” Long is the Tunnel was co-produced by Ruben Radlauer of Model/Actriz, Hayden Ticehurst, and Artur Szerejko. The album features Lewis Evans of Black Country, New Road, who Daneshevskaya has opened for.

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