Premiere: Sorry, Peach Shares New Single “Darling This Isn’t” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Premiere: Sorry, Peach Shares New Single “Darling This Isn’t”

You Were Never Mine EP Due Out This Year

Mar 10, 2022 Bookmark and Share

Alt pop outfit Sorry, Peach debuted in 2019 with their full-length record, Don’t Ask If I’m Okay, before following the following year with a handful of singles. Later this year, the band are set to dip into bedroom pop with their first EP, You Were Never Mine. Inspired by breakups and heartbreak, the upcoming record details a relationship doomed from the start.

As the band describes, “This is a journey that will have listeners falling through a series of emotions that lead to understanding how to accept love and rejection in a healthy way. The experiences of love have an array of outcomes but at the core is a desire we all are longing for and many are infatuated with. Our goal with this project is to provide empathy in the form of a musical experience. Might need some tissue but we promise to make you smile when it’s all said and done.”

Last year, the band already shared the first single from the record “I’ve Been Feeling Lonely.” Today the band are back with their latest single “Darling This Isn’t,” premiering with Under the Radar.

“Darling This Isn’t” is a work of sweet pastoral beauty, composed only of entrancing finger-picked guitar, soft thrums of piano, and lovely vocal harmonies. The placid instrumentation and warm folk harmonies cast a captivating spell on the listener, lulling you into the track’s ornate depths. Meanwhile, in contrast to their previous track, “Darling This Isn’t” traces the outline of the beginning of a romance, rather than the end: “You’re my first thought when I am waking / I hear what you’re saying / And I’m scared to / But I love you.”

Lead singer Tyerra explains of the track, “‘Darling This Isn’t’ was an accident. I never sought out to write a love song, it just fell into my lap. Jonathan (of Honest Creature) played me the guitar riff- it was easily a year old, something he had made and was really proud of but didn’t know what else to do with. The words came without thought, I wasn’t trying to pick the perfect word or make the melody the catchiest- I was having a conversation with my love. It’s about falling into love, taking that leap, letting yourself trust someone enough to put your heart into their hands. It’s recognizing someone else’s scars while also recognizing yours. This song is a promise, not in a cheesy, I’ll-love-you-forever kind of way, but an, I’m-going-to-try-my-best-because-you’re-worth-it way.”

Check out the song below. You Were Never Mine is due out later this year.

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