Real Estate’s Martin Courtney Shares New Solo Song, “Vestiges”
Features Members of Woods
Aug 06, 2015 Real Estate
Back in our Best of 2014 Issue Real Estate’s Martin Courtney did a joint interview for us with actor Jason Schwartzman. In it he revealed that he was working on some new solo music with members of Woods. Now he’s shared the first fruit of that session, “Vestiges.”
“For the past year and a half, between Real Estate tours, I’ve been working on some songs with Jarvis Taveniere (from Woods) producing and playing bass. I’m excited to finally be able to share the first song, ‘Vestiges,’ Courtney said on his solo website (www.martincourtneyiv.com) when posting the song. He also added: “Aaron Neveu - also of Woods - played drums on this song, my brother in law, Harrison Joyce, helped me out with the string arrangement, and some of his friends from Juilliard, Patrick Hopkins, Matthew Sinno, and Jonathan Miron played cello, viola and violin, respectively.”
Courtney had this to say about the project in our joint interview with Schwartzman: “I don’t think we’re going to tour or anything like that. It’s just me and my best friend who produces a lot of other bands, but he’s also a musician. It started as ‘Maybe we’ll record a single.’ It was an exercise for him to use his studio and try out some new stuff, but it kind of turned into him playing bass and us finding another friend to play drums; a three piece. But it’s really just a recording project. I want it to come out and maybe we can play a couple shows or something, but it’s mostly just to try something different from Real Estate.”
He then added: “So [this project] is me and Jarvis [Taveniere of Woods] and our friend Aaron [Neveu], who is the drummer in Woods. I’m kind of playing everything else. My original idea, which I’d still like to have happen, is to get a lot of friends to play guitar on it, and do different things with it. Talking about orchestras…not that I want to get an orchestra to play on it, but I’ve never experimented with having strings or horns or anything like that. I kind of just want to do everything I’ve always wanted to do with Real Estate but thought it might not work.”
Hopefully we’ll hear more from Courtney soon, but in the meantime you can download or stream “Vestiges” below. And be sure to read that Real Estate vs. Jason Schwartzman interview.
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