The Elected Announce “Bury Me in My Rings” | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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The Elected Announce “Bury Me in My Rings”

Out May 17 via Vagrant

Feb 17, 2011 The Elected Bookmark and Share

Blake Sennett (who you may know as part of Rilo Kiley) has announced side project The Elected’s third full-length, Bury Me in My Rings (out May 17 Via Vagrant). While similar to the full-band sound of his previous efforts, The Elected is predominantly a solo project. “I played most of the instruments myself, so it was easier to erase stuff without hurting anyone’s feelings,” says Blake via press release. “This time I just thought, better take it as far as I can alone…then bring in my friends to fill in the blanks.”

Plans for a world wide tour is in the works.



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