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Saturday, June 15th, 2024  
(500) Days of Summer Soundtrack Features She & Him Smiths Cover

Jun 03, 2009 She & Him

The Zooey Deschanel/Joseph Gordon-Levitt film (500) Days of Summer will be released in select theaters, July 17th. The film is a wry take on “boy meets girl” and an important scene in the movie features music from The Smiths as a plot device. Fittingly, the soundtrack includes a cover from Deschanel’s band with M. Ward, She & Him, of The Smiths’ “Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want.”

Grizzly Bear #8 on Billboard Album Charts

Jun 03, 2009 Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear, who were on the cover of Under the Radar’s Most Anticipated Albums of 2009 issue, have hit #8 on the Billboard Album Charts with the release of their third album Veckatimest.Phoenix hit 37.

Photos of Art Brut at the Offices of DC Comics

Jun 03, 2009 Art Brut

As Art Brut’s latest album (Art Brut vs. Satan) contains the song “DC Comics and Chocolate Milkshake,” Under the Radar asked frontman Eddie Argos to write an essay on his love for DC Comics for our current Spring 2009 issue. When DC got word of the article they invited the British band to take a tour of their NYC offices, which happened yesterday (June 2nd). We sent photographer Tommy Kearns down to capture the action.

Flaming Lips, Frank Black, and A Place to Bury Strangers on Love and Rockets Tribute Album

Jun 03, 2009 Love and Rockets

New Tales to Tell: A Tribute to Love and Rockets will be hitting the electronic ether with a digital release July 28th. The album, which was produced by Christopher the Minister and Phil Jaurigui, features covers of Love and Rockets tunes by Frank Black, A Place to Bury Strangers, The Flaming Lips, The Dandy Warhols, and more than a dozen other bands.

Wild Beasts’ New Album Ready for September in the States

Jun 02, 2009 Wild Beasts

U.K. band Wild Beasts announce the release of Two Dancers, their followup to 2008’s Limbo Panto.

Arctic Monkeys Announce Third Album

Jun 02, 2009 Arctic Monkeys

Arctic Monkeys announce a new album and brief North American summer tour.

Morrissey Announces B-Sides Collection

Jun 01, 2009

Maudlin musician Morrissey is set to release B-side collection Swords in the UK this October on Polydor Records. Tears of joy or otherwise strongly encouraged.

News Roundup: Sigur Rós, The Dodos, Morrissey, Magnolia Electric Co.

May 30, 2009 The Dodos

The Dodos, Farmer Dave Scher, Magnolia Electric Co. and Sigur Rós (in some incarnation or another) announce new albums and performances. Morrissey and Depeche Mode modify tour dates. Phil Spector is sentenced. All right here, in the News Roundup.

Sea Wolf Escapes To Omaha For Sophomore Release

May 29, 2009 Sea Wolf

Alex Brown Church crafts music fit for the open road so it’s fitting that he got the name for his group from Jack London’s Sea-Wolf. Like London has always surrounded himself by the claustrophopic bustle of the city but enjoys the air of the countryside on his cheek. After living in L.A. the Sea Wolf frontman has packed his bags and trekked to Canada’s second largest city, Montreal. Citing its “multi-cultural aura” as inspiration, Church started working on the follow-up to his promising Dangerbird Records debut Leaves in the River. The forthcoming album is untitled at the moment but will be released sometime in September on Dangerbird and his being recorded in Omaha by Mike Mogis.
