Club 8 Return to the Studio For Album 7 with Producer Jari Haapalaine | Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Club 8 Return to the Studio For Album 7 with Producer Jari Haapalaine

Jari Haapalainen Manned Albums by The Concretes, Camera Obscura, and others

Oct 19, 2009 Club 8 Bookmark and Share

Swedish dream-pop duo Club 8 (Karolina Komstedt and Johan Angergård) is returning to the studio to start work on album number seven.

In a press release from Labrador records the band promises their follow-up to The Boy Who Wouldn’t Stop Dreaming will be “different and absolutely amazing”.

Part of the new sound may be attributed to their work with Jari Haapalainen (Ed Harcourt, Peter, Bjorn & John, Camera Obscura, The Concretes). This collaboration marks the first time the band has sought help from an outside producer. Says Komstedt (via press release) of their decision to bring on Haapalainen, “I’ve been a fan of his work for a long time. I read an interview where he talked about his fascination for exactly the same type of rhythms that we are into and decided to ask him if he wanted to produce our next album.”

The yet-untitled album will be released via Labrador Records in spring of 2010.



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