Cinema Review: Enemy | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Saturday, May 4th, 2024  


Studio: A24
Directed by Denis Villeneuve

Mar 17, 2014 Web Exclusive
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Jake Gyllenhaal is Adam, a collegiate-level history teacher with a come-and-go girlfriend and a loose grip on his sanity. One night, unable to sleep, he pops a movie into his DVD player and recognizes a very familiar face in one scene: his own. Pushed even closer to madness by the appearance of his doppelganger, Adam tracks down the fledgling actor, Anthony (also Gyllenhaal). Adam and Anthony meet; while Anthony is fascinated by and sees opportunities in their identical appearance, Adam becomes more unhinged and unable to cope with the similarity.

Enemy is not for viewers who seek answers from the films they watch. In fact, it seems fundamentally opposed to providing them. The film is a complicated, dark, deliberately paced puzzle, though it is hard to tell if all the pieces are there – and at the glacial rate at which it moves, it is hard to remain focused enough to catch what clues there might be. Gullón’s screenplay, based on the novel by José Saramago, is infused with imagery, repetition, dream sequences, and a morose tedium that collude to form more of a psychological tease than thriller. The premise is there, but the filmmakers are so concerned with keeping their audience guessing that they fail to provide enough foundation upon which to speculate. Is Adam Anthony? Is this a case of split personality? Adam’s sanity is already in question, so that’s the easy answer. But is it the right one? Is there enough evidence either way? What are the alternatives? One could go back for a second (and, probably, third) viewing to try to put the film together, but it’s doubtful they’d have any desire to.

Author rating: 3.5/10

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S.k. Ramsey
March 18th 2014

Good One , A24….Distribute this film to one or two theatres…and leave the rest of us Gyllenhaalics hanging…Selling out to direct t.v. a month ago…..YOU ARE “BAD”.....

erick vazquez
December 19th 2014

I didnt have any trouble at all understanding this film, nor did my friends who watched it with me. If that is your criteria for rating this movie maybe you should think twice