Grace Jones, As Told to Paul Morley: I'll Never Write My Memoirs (Gallery/Simon & Schuster) | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Sunday, October 13th, 2024  

Grace Jones, As Told to Paul Morley

I’ll Never Write My Memoirs

Published by Gallery/Simon & Schuster

Nov 10, 2015 Grace Jones

Even if you’ve never heard a note of Grace Jones’ music, if you’ve seen a single photo of her you’ve likely never forgotten it. And for those who wondered what the backstory was on the person behind those striking, sometimes feral images, she’s defied the declaration of the title and done just that, announcing on the first page, “There will be blood.”

That’s to be expected when your memoir includes tales from Studio 54, an association with Andy Warhol, the modeling life, and appearances in Hollywood films. But fans of Jones’s music can also follow the progress from her disco days to breakthroughs with the Warm Leatherette and Nightclubbing albums at the dawn of the ‘80s and beyond.

Let’s say you’re on the stage of a Paris nightclub and someone tears off your tiny outfit and sprays mace in your eyes. What would you do? Just ask Grace. (

Author rating: 7/10

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