Blu-ray Review: Roxanne | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
Saturday, April 27th, 2024  


Studio: Mill Creek Entertainment

Aug 28, 2019 Web Exclusive Bookmark and Share

C.D. Bales (Steve Martin) has a big problem – it protrudes from the front of his face, between his two eyes. His prodigiously pronounced proboscis has made it hard for him to form any sort of romantic relationship, as much a drain on his self-confidence as it is a detractor for potential mates. It hasn’t stood in the way of other elements in life; he’s the respected fire chief in his small resort town, one of the most clever, kindest, and well-liked souls around.

He’s instantly smitten with Roxanne (Daryl Hannah), an astronomy scholar who’s rented a house in town to observe the passage of a comet. Despite an instant connection between the two, Roxanne becomes attracted to a handsome, good-natured doofball who works under C.D. at the fire department. Her crush, however, is cripplingly shy, and barely able to speak to a beautiful woman without throwing up. Thus starts a preposterous scheme between the two men in which C.D. woos Roxanne with his poetic love letters, which they fool her into thinking come from the better-looking Chris.

Roxanne was a personal pet project for Steve Martin, who had been a near-lifelong fan of Cyrano de Bergerac, the 19th Century play on which it was based. He was able to use his star power to get the studio greenlight for this production, which he also wrote and co-produced. Though the 1987 movie is best-remembered for the giant prosthetic nose Martin wears throughout, it’s a thoroughly charming little feature with a game ensemble. (Look for Shelley Duvall, The Breakfast Club’s John Kapelos, Fred Willard, Damon Wayans, and Kevin Nealon in the cast.) Martin’s role is of the more manic variety we’re more accustomed to seeing Robin Williams play—the character fidgets and funny-walks his way through almost every scene—but the love story is sappily touching.

A newcomer to Mill Creek Entertainment’s Retro VHS line, extra features are non-existent on this Roxanne release, but in exchange we’re given a good way to grab a funny film at a budget price.



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