Cinema Review: Synchronicity | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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Studio: Magnet Releasing
Directed by Jacob Gentry

Jan 22, 2016 Web Exclusive
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Low-budget sci-fi is, for many filmmakers and genre enthusiasts, the wave of the future. As with slasher films which require neither large casts nor a slew of sets, and which incorporate manageable, grounded special effects, so too can tremendous sci-fi flicks be made relatively inexpensively. (Ex Machina and Moon are just two fantastic, recent examples.) With a brilliant concept and skillful execution, the sky is no longer the limit.

Enter Synchronicity, one of the first additions to the genre in 2016. Directed and written by Jacob Gentry (Alex Orr receives story credit, as well), it tells of Jim Beale (Chad McKnight), a physicist who successfully builds a time machine. He goes back in time five days and must try to stop a beautiful, seductive woman, Abby (Brianne Davis), from stealing his work. Veteran character actor and frequent villain, Michael Ironside, plays Klaus Meisner, Abby’s boss and the businessman with aggressive (and financial) interest in Beale’s work.

Much like Primer, Shane Carruth’s excellent if not overly cerebral 2004 time travel film, Synchronicity is a strong example of confined sci-fi. With a limited cast and essentially just one location to worry about, Gentry is free to devote all of his resources to his story. This proves simultaneously the film’s greatest strength, and its fatal flaw. For starters, Gentry focuses too closely on the science. He relies too frequently on overly detailed descriptions of the science involved. Yes, it lends believability to the setup, but it also renders it somewhat dull. There’s no doubt in my mind Gentry took the time every filmmaker should in figuring out the logic behind his premise, but by the time the actual story begins, we’ve partially glossed over from physics fatigue. More so, we’ve lost sight of the actual plot, which then appears and tucks itself away again for the duration of the runtime.

On the other hand, when Gentry loosens his grip on the science and simply plays with his premise, Synchronicity proves a good bit of fun. In a move that’s liable to draw comparisons to Memento, Gentry wisely tells a movie about time travel out of chronological order. All of a sudden, the duality of Beale and his five-day-older self is a phenomenon Billy Pilgrim would be proud of. Unfortunately, it’s often overshadowed by the gratuitous complexities of the setup (not that time travel is a cinch, mind you), which conspire to draw further focus away from the character interactions. Synchronicity is an admirable effort, but it is far from flawless.

Author rating: 4/10

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November 19th 2016

Frase de Conquista Nos ultimos tempos um livro vem demonstrando muito sucesso na internet, mais certamente entre as donas de casa. E nao e para menos, eu adquiri o conselho e pratiquei o que esta na escrita desse que falo e os resultados chegaram a ser fora do comum.

Até parece mentira, mais as Frases da Conquista parece mesmo, e para saber menos do interior do exemplar, vamos discutir nesse momento de quem o transcreveu, a Thais Ortins.

A Thais Ortins assim como eu e voce, ja obteve varias desilusoes de amor, mais alguma coisa foi um perfeito separador de águas nas Frases da Conquista e pra ela.

Um dia comecou a trabalhar em uma clinica de robotica e ela percebeu que as mulheres que eram recepcionadas ali, antes das Frases da Conquista permaneciam sem alegria, e sem expectativa alguma, mas quando voltavam estavam totalmente revigoradas.

Perante disso tudo a Thais iniciou a analisar e ler junto com alguns parentes a respeito do uso das vogais e frases para forcar uma pessoa a agir conforme esperado, depois de bastante empenho ela desenvolveu tudo isto pra o mundo das Frases da Conquista, mais focado para seres femininos que querem conquistar conjuges, desse modo apareceu.

Nele você vai compreender algumas frases que chegam a ser sinceros gatilhos mentais, no entando, formas de descobrir a cabeca de outra especie para executar o que você deseja que ela faca, estes gatilhos obscuros sao poderosissimos. Pra obter uma nocao você mesma ja pode ter sido hipnotizada pelas Frases da Conquista uma vez, em propagandas, panfletos e em todo tipo de comercial, as agencias de publicidade usam o meio, tudo para te influenciar a adquirir alguma coisa, e vai por mim funciona concerteza, você já deve ter comprado alguma coisa por inducao de gatilhos mentais.

<a >Conquista com Frases Preco</a>