Pixies: The Night the Zombies Came (BMG) - review | Under the Radar Magazine Under the Radar | Music Blog for the Indie Music Magazine
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The Night the Zombies Came


Dec 04, 2024 Web Exclusive

With the fifth installment of their second coming, Pixies carry some of their signature blend of chaos and charm into the present, but don’t quite hit the high notes of their classic earlier work. The Night the Zombies Came brings a familiar combination of raw energy and quirky storytelling, with some crisp instrumentation, haunting melodies, and punchy guitars, but it also lacks some of the visceral impact that fans have come to expect.

The album starts off strong as opener “Primrose” lures the listener in with a downhome but catchy melody and surf punk guitars, followed by the album’s first single, “You’re So Impatient,” that conjures up Pixies past glory with fast paced riffs and Black Francis’ commanding voice. But The Night the Zombies Came really hits its stride as Pixies explore new territory with the moody yet playful second single “Chicken” and the more pop oriented “Hypnotised.” “Chicken” entertains with a playful yet dark undertone that runs through the song, allowing every haunting and slinky guitar note to shine; while the irresistible hook of “Hypnotised” blends the eerie with the infectious, reminding us why we fell in love with Pixies in the first place.

Elsewhere though, the enthusiasm lessens as slow burning tracks “Mercy Me” and “Kings of the Prairie” meander without a spark while “Johnny Good Man” and “I Hear You Mary” drop the wild and wooly in favor of a jangly, alternative rock sound that wouldn’t sound out of place on an R.E.M. album, leaving the listener craving a bit more of that landmark Pixies punch.

Ultimately, The Night the Zombies Came probably won’t live up to the expectations of fans wanting to relive the glory of Pixies in their prime, but it also shows flashes of their authentic sound that prove the band still have the ability to capture the essence of what makes Pixies so captivating and is a positive nod to the band’s enduring legacy. (www.pixiesmusic.com)

Author rating: 6.5/10

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